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A Convenient Phrase

I found this in Lawrence Lessig's column in this month's Wired:

Good journalism likes two sides to every story. Lazy journalism fails to distinguish between objective sources and interested parties – and this issue has interested parties aplenty, from ­industry-funded think tanks to hired PR firms, feeding the press the disinformation …

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Bush hugs tree-huggers

As far as I can tell, the Republican line on sacrifice for the greater good, in the case of the Iraq war, is that there's no need for the average American to pay more taxes, burn less fuel or start victory gardens, because we have aggregated all the necessary sacrifice …

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Hulk Smash? Hulk SMASH!!!

I meant to post this awhile ago, but lost track of it. Then, in this week's Onion, I read about Stacker, a video game designed to have no effect on kids' behavior. Relevance doesn't come along every day. So, here's Jon Carroll in the Chron a few months back:

Gov …
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